Bali flower tiles

When I first saw full pattern, I panic a bit.

They are overwhelming!

We bought wax and pigment

The idea is to tone down colors a bit. From the test we made on kitchen tiles we learned: wax only makes them pop out even more. There is no way of toning down the colors. They are what they are.

Anggi loves these tiles from the start and thinks they are Splendid!

After chocolate mint cocktail... 

....and a tasty chicken meal.

I decided: it is time to embrace - The flower!

I just need some time to adjust to them.


Yellow! tiles are Anggi's choice.


Because Yellow!


Garden got soil

We are looking forward to plant it.

First idea is to put in iconic Bali "kamboja" tree

But today when we went to see what they sell, and I really liked the chocolate tree.

Not because it is the most beautiful one, but because it has a cultural reference. It reminds me of 19. century pencil drawings.

Elephant ear.

Dark red plants for accent.

Maybe bright red? many options...

The tiles for the fence have arrived

Counting so, the numbers add up properly. We will have twelve different motifs.

This is how it will look like.

The pattern on our fence will be very rich and flowery too.


After Sukham washed the walls.

The beautiful cracks showed up.

I think it looks like Art!

We are deciding between leaving it as it is or maybe applying a very thin layer of white, just to make them slightly less rough.  The rough nature of walls counteracts sweet flower pattern. 



a reminder of how those tiles were made:

Flower patterns are from the street of Ubud, Bali

Used Grasshopper to draw it.

and brought this pattern to hand made shop, who made them.


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