Proud owners od a house! 20.000 euros with a swimming pool! Basic unit is 15.000 evro, but we aded a 2x5 meter pool and extra 15m2 of land. The houses are beeing build right now. Ours will be here in about 4 months. They just started digging the fundation. The location (red dot) is a bit more remote then typical. 35 minutes to the beach, 35 to Denpasar, 40 to Ubud, and 40 minutes to the volcano, where I can go hiking.. It is 230 meters above sea level and has a relatively cold climate like Ubud, but much, much cheaper. It is a simple quiet village, most people here are making decorations, carving wood, making tiles, carving statues.. it is much poorer then Ubud, but has just as many artists. There are no tourists here. It has a very nice zen energy. They put a lot of offers to the gods here. Here I will be able to concentrate on my work. Sure I will visit joint working places in Changgu sometimes, but not evey day. We will go to the beach sometimes, but no...
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